Quick Guide

Message to all users 

Jan 2024: Please note all policies and procedures are currently under a process of review following the publication (15 December) of Working together to safeguard children, 2023. Working together to safeguard children - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

The Quick Guide 

This 'Quick Guide' must be read before accessing the body of the manual.

  1. Display and Browser Options
  2. Structure of the Manual
  3. Amendments and Future Updates
  4. Compliance
  5. Register for Updates/ Contact Us
  6. Copyright
  7. Printing and Retaining Copies

1. Display and Browser Options

People with a visual impairment may have difficulty accessing this manual.

To change the size of the text/layout - please use the zoom function on your browser. 

2. Structure of the Manual

This manual contains the Sussex Children Protection and Safeguarding Procedures which cover the areas served by the Brighton & Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex Safeguarding Children Boards.

The procedures are divided into thirteen sections containing sub-sections which are grouped together, for example in relation to 'Child Protection Conferences'. These can be accessed from the Contents List which is available from the button on the left hand menu. Alternatively you can use the search function to locate a section or sub-section.

The underlying principles and values which apply across all sections of the manual are contained within Section 1, Working with Children and Families and can be accessed by clicking on the 'Values' button in the left hand menu.

3. Amendments and Future Updates

The manual will be regularly updated on a planned basis, twice yearly. If you are asked to make an amendment to an existing chapter in the manual for inclusion at the next update, please contact Phew. If you have any queries or suggestions, please contact the Safeguarding Partnership Business Manager for your area:

Louise MacQuire-Plows
East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership Business Manager

Victoria Jones (job share)
East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership Business Manager

Sarah Smart
Brighton and Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership Business Manager


Sally Kendal
West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership Business Manager


When updates are published, some sections or sub-sections may be new or may be amended significantly. If a section has been significantly amended or is new, it will be indicated in the Contents List and at the top of the relevant section.

Click here to view details of updates made to this manual.

4. Compliance

Every effort has been taken to ensure regulatory compliance. If you discover any errors or mistakes, please alert your manager.

5. Register for Updates/Contact us

We recommend that you register with us to automatically receive notification when the manual is updated, and be informed about the briefing papers we regularly publish by completing the form accessed via the button on the left of your screen. If you have any comments or suggestions to make about this manual please contact us by using the button on the left hand side of the screen, from anywhere within the manual and selecting the appropriate contact person for the Local Authority in which you live.

6. Copyright

The content of this website can be accessed, printed and downloaded in an unaltered form, on a temporary basis, for personal study or reference purposes. However any content printed or downloaded may not be sold, licensed, transferred, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or in or on any media to any person without the prior written consent of Phew and the Brighton & Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex Safeguarding Children Boards.

7. Printing and Retaining Copies

The manual should normally be viewed on line but can be printed, for reference only.

To print a section or sub-section, click on the icon which is in the left hand menu on every page.

Please note, the manual will be updated regularly, so staff should avoid retaining printed versions - hard copies are only valid for 72 hours.

This page is correct as printed on Saturday 29th of March 2025 03:16:44 AM please refer back to this website (http://sussexchildprotection.procedures.org.uk) for updates.