20.1 Local Contact Details

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Brighton & Hove Contacts

Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) / Front Door for Families

C/O Whitehawk Community Hub and Library
179A Whitehawk Road

Telephone: 01273 290400
Email: FrontDoorForFamilies@brighton-hove.gov.uk 

Online referal form - Refer a child or family to Front Door for Families (brighton-hove.gov.uk)

Out of Hours Emergency Duty Service
Telephone: 01273 335905 or 335906
Police - Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Investigations Unit
Telephone: 101 and ask for Brighton Safeguarding Investigations Unit.
Designated Professionals Brighton & Hove

Designated Doctor, Jamie Carter: 01273 238703

Designated Nurse, Jenny Whyte: 01273 035311

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO
Email: LADOenquiries@brighton-hove.gov.uk 
Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership

Tel 01273 292379 |  Email BHSCP.admin@brighton-hove.gov.uk

Webiste - Home - BHSCP

Independent Scrutineer - Rachel Egan Email BHSCP.admin@brighton-hove.gov.uk

East Sussex Contacts

Children's Social Care

Single Point of Advice (SPoA) Mon-Thurs 8.30am-5pm and Fri 8.30am-4.30pm. Contacting the Single Point of Advice (SPoA) | East Sussex County Council

Phone: 01323 464222

Email: 0-19.SPOA@eastsussex.gov.uk 

Out of Hours Social Care Service - Children's services: 01273 335905/6

Out of Hours Social Care Service Adult services: 01323 636399


Health and Social Care Connect contact centre for Adult Social Care. 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week

Phone: 0345 60 80 191

Email: hscc@eastsussex.gov.uk

Out of Hours Social Care Service - Adult services: 0345 608 0191 option 2

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

Contacting the LADOAllegations about adults who work with children - the LADO | East Sussex County Council

Safeguarding Investigations Unit
For all Safeguarding Investigations Unit, dial 101, and ask for the East Sussex unit
Safeguarding Partnership 

East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership (ESSCP) Website  Home - ESSCP 



West Sussex Contacts

Children's Social Care

Integrated Front Door (IFD)

Anyone who has concerns about the welfare of a child can contact a single countywide phone number, known as the Integrated Front door (IFD). Monday to Friday between 9am-5pm: 01403 229900

At all other times, including nights, weekends and bank holidays, contact the 'out of hours' emergency team: 0330 222 6664

Email: WSchildrenservices@westsussex.gov.uk 

Designated Professionals West Sussex

Designated Doctor, Jamie Carter

Designated Nurses, Safeguarding Children: Louise Jackson and Sharon Ward

Email: sxicb.safeguarding@nhs.net

Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO)
Email: LADO@westsussex.gov.uk  Phone: 0330 222 6450
Safeguarding Investigations Unit: Telephone 101 and ask for the Safeguarding Investigations Unit or in an emergency dial 999
Safeguarding Partnership Safeguarding Partnership Independent Scruniteer
Independent Scrutineer - Chris Robson, please contact WSSCP@westsussex.gov.uk


Child Death

Child Death: Single Point of Contact

Individual professionals should notify the SPOC at the same time as they notify the Coroner (in the case of an unexpected death) or Registrar / Health Services of the death of a child.

Click here for the contact details for all SPOC’s nationally.

Designated Health Professionals

Designated Professionals


This page is correct as printed on Friday 14th of March 2025 01:43:02 PM please refer back to this website (http://sussexchildprotection.procedures.org.uk) for updates.