20.1 Local Contact Details
- Brighton & Hove Contacts(Jump to)
- East Sussex Contacts(Jump to)
- West Sussex Contacts(Jump to)
- Child Death(Jump to)
- Designated Health Professionals(Jump to)
Brighton & Hove Contacts
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) / Front Door for Families |
C/O Whitehawk Community Hub and Library Telephone: 01273 290400 Online referal form - Refer a child or family to Front Door for Families (brighton-hove.gov.uk) |
Out of Hours Emergency Duty Service |
Telephone: 01273 335905 or 335906 |
Police - Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Investigations Unit |
Telephone: 101 and ask for Brighton Safeguarding Investigations Unit. |
Designated Professionals Brighton & Hove |
Designated Doctor, Jamie Carter: 01273 238703 Designated Nurse, Jenny Whyte: 01273 035311 |
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) |
Email: LADOenquiries@brighton-hove.gov.uk |
Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership |
Tel 01273 292379 | Email BHSCP.admin@brighton-hove.gov.uk Webiste - Home - BHSCP Independent Scrutineer - Rachel Egan Email BHSCP.admin@brighton-hove.gov.uk |
East Sussex Contacts
Children's Social Care |
Single Point of Advice (SPoA) Mon-Thurs 8.30am-5pm and Fri 8.30am-4.30pm. Contacting the Single Point of Advice (SPoA) | East Sussex County Council Phone: 01323 464222 Email: 0-19.SPOA@eastsussex.gov.uk Out of Hours Social Care Service - Children's services: 01273 335905/6 Out of Hours Social Care Service Adult services: 01323 636399
Health and Social Care Connect contact centre for Adult Social Care. 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week Phone: 0345 60 80 191 Email: hscc@eastsussex.gov.uk Out of Hours Social Care Service - Adult services: 0345 608 0191 option 2 Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Contacting the LADO - Allegations about adults who work with children - the LADO | East Sussex County Council |
Safeguarding Investigations Unit |
For all Safeguarding Investigations Unit, dial 101, and ask for the East Sussex unit |
Safeguarding Partnership |
East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership (ESSCP) Website Home - ESSCP |
West Sussex Contacts
Children's Social Care |
Integrated Front Door (IFD) Anyone who has concerns about the welfare of a child can contact a single countywide phone number, known as the Integrated Front door (IFD). Monday to Friday between 9am-5pm: 01403 229900 At all other times, including nights, weekends and bank holidays, contact the 'out of hours' emergency team: 0330 222 6664 |
Designated Professionals West Sussex |
Designated Doctor, Jamie Carter Designated Nurses, Safeguarding Children: Louise Jackson and Sharon Ward Email: sxicb.safeguarding@nhs.net |
Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO) |
Email: LADO@westsussex.gov.uk Phone: 0330 222 6450 |
Police |
Safeguarding Investigations Unit: Telephone 101 and ask for the Safeguarding Investigations Unit or in an emergency dial 999 |
Safeguarding Partnership Safeguarding Partnership Independent Scruniteer |
Independent Scrutineer - Chris Robson, please contact WSSCP@westsussex.gov.uk |
Child Death
Child Death: Single Point of Contact |
Individual professionals should notify the SPOC at the same time as they notify the Coroner (in the case of an unexpected death) or Registrar / Health Services of the death of a child. Click here for the contact details for all SPOC’s nationally. |
Designated Health Professionals
20.1.1 |