
Results for: fabricated or induced

3.2 Information Sharing

Confidentiality and Consent: Using 'consent' to process/share personal data - ... .g. where fabricated or induced illness is suspected) -lead to an unreasonable delay -Place others at risk (see Violence Towards Staff  and Working with families who are uncooperative and/or not enga ...

5.1 Recognition of Abuse and Neglect

Risk Indicators - ... for - see fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)  ...

5.1 Recognition of Abuse and Neglect

Recognising Physical Abuse - ... represent fabricated or induced illness (see fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)  Parents who are absent without good reason when their child i ...

5.1 Recognition of Abuse and Neglect

Recognising Emotional Abuse - ... loration. fabricated or induced illness falls under the wider umbrella term of emotional abuse. Cases of both FII and perplexing presentations also often involve or occur in association with other for ...

5.1 Recognition of Abuse and Neglect

Categories of Abuse and Neglect - ... cribed as fabricated or induced illness in a child (see fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)). See also Recognising Physical Abuse  ...

5.2 Making a Referral

Parental Consultation - ... g. where fabricated or induced illness is suspected) -lead to an unreasonable delay -Place others at risk (see Violence Towards Staff  and Working with families who are uncooperative and/or not ...

6.6 Strategy Discussions

Strategy Discussion - ... Abuse;  fabricated or induced Illness and Perplexing Presentations (see fabricated or induced Illness Procedure);  An allegation that a child has abused another child (separate Strategy Discussions ...

6.8 Section 47 Enquiries

Timescales - ... ases e.g. fabricated or induced Illness, those involving suspected organised or institutional abuse, cases where paid or voluntary carers are involved and cases which require co-ordination with other ...

6.8 Section 47 Enquiries

Liaison between Children's Social Care and the Police - Single or Joint Agency Enquiries/Investigations - ... rocedure) fabricated or induced illness (see fabricated or induced Illness Procedure); Serious allegations against staff or volunteers of a professional agency represented on the safeguarding partners ...

7.11 Information for a Conference

Information from Other Agencies - ... cases of fabricated or induced illness ...

7.7 Membership of Child Protection Conference

General Attendance - ... refer to fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)). ...

7.8 Quorate Conferences

General Attendance - ... lating to fabricated or induced illness, it is important to ensure the paediatrician is able to attend. ...

15.16 Safeguarding children with disabilities

Recognition - ... ren see fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers) A bruise in a site that might not be of concern on an ambulant child, such the shin, might be a con ...

15.2 Fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)

Definitions - fabricated or induced Illness (FII) FII is a clinical situation in which a child is, or is very likely to be, harmed due to parent(s) behaviour and action, carried out in order to convince doctors that the child’s state of physical and/or mental health and neurodevelopment is impaired (o

15.2 Fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)

Perplexing Presentations - ... rns about fabricated or induced illness, professionals should explicitly explore whether the child is currently experiencing, or has previously experienced, adverse childhood experiences such as physi ...

15.2 Fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)

Professional Differences - ... lating to fabricated or induced illness or PP, the Designated Doctor should be consulted how best to resolve the issue. ...

15.2 Fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)

Fabricated or Induced Illness - ... ns (PP) / fabricated or induced Illness (FII) in Children RCPCH guidance ...

15.2 Fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)

Initial Child Protection Conference - ... llness is fabricated or induced and their families; Paediatrician or lead clinician with expertise in the branch of paediatric medicine able to present the medical findings. ...

15.2 Fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)

Police Investigation - ... suspected fabricated or induced illness may seek advice from the National Crime Agency, Tel: 0370 496 7622; email: ...

15.2 Fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)

Strategy Discussion - ... are being fabricated or induced, action may be required to ensure the child's life is not put at risk. ...

15.2 Fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)

Introduction - ... er having fabricated or induced illness. In these cases the issue of information sharing is particularly difficult and this is referred to in the following paragraphs. ...

15.2 Fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)

Pre-birth Child Protection Conference - ... ving been fabricated or induced in an older sibling or other child, and given consideration during the pregnancy of a person who is known to have abused a child in this way. Consideration should also ...

15.2 Fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)

Section 47 Enquiry - Any decision to confront any person should not be made unless in conjunction and with the full agreement of the police (see Police Investigation).

15.2 Fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)

Referral to Children's Social Care - ... have been fabricated or induced by a carer, including symptoms that have been exaggerated and there is concern that this is impacting adversely on the child.  ...

15.2 Fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)

Fabricated or Induced Illness - fabricated or induced illness in a child is a condition or situation whereby a child suffers harm through the  deliberate action of their main carer and which is duplicitously attributed by the adult to another cause.

15.2 Fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)

Introduction - ... (PP) and fabricated or induced illness (FII) is that the child’s clinical presentation is not adequately explained by any confirmed illness, and the situation is impacting upon the child’s health ...

15.2 Fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)

... ns (PP) / fabricated or induced Illness (FII) in Children RCPCH guidance FII Summary Diagram - RCPCH ...

16.2 Safeguarding children in hospital

Introduction - ... lated to fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers) These children may have suffered, or be vulnerable to suffer, significant harm through physical, s ...
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