7.11 Information for a Conference

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This chapter was last reviewed in September 2022

Date of next review September 2025



The Child Protection Conference Report should include;

  • The Child Protection Conference Report should consider all siblings and children in the household under the age of 18.
  • A chronology , ideally including a genogram, of significant events, agency and professional contact
  • The child's current and past state of developmental needs
  • Dates when the child was seen by the Lead Social Worker during the Section 47 Enquiry, whether the child was seen alone and if not, who was present and for what reason
  • The capacity of the parents and other family members to ensure the child is kept safe from harm and to respond to the child's developmental needs within their wider family and environment
  • The family history and  current family circumstances
  • The expressed views, wishes and feelings of the child, parents and other family member
  • An analysis of the  information gathered to reach a judgment on whether the child is suffering, or is likely to suffer significant harm and consider how best to safeguard and meet  their developmental needs
  • An outline Plan detailing how the child’s identified needs will be met
  • The Local Authority's recommendation to the Conference on whether they consider the threshold for a Child protection Plan is met.



The Child Protection Conference Report should be written in a language that is easily understood to the family. The Report should be shared in person, with parents and older children to the extent that it is believed to be in their interests, at least three working days in advance of an Initial Conference, and five working days before a Review Conference, to enable any factual inaccuracies to be identified, discussed, amended as necessary and areas of disagreement noted. Where necessary, the Reports should be translated into the relevant language or medium.


It is the responsibility of Children’s Social Care to provide, and make available to those attending, their written report in advance of the Conference.

Information from Other Agencies


Regardless of whether an agency representative is *unable to attend, it is the responsibility of all agencies invited to the Conference to provide, and make available to all those attending, a written report in the required format  in advance of the Conference.

*Whenever possible a well-briefed colleague should attend in their place.


Reports should be written in a language that is easily understood to the family. The Report should be shared with parents, and older children to the extent that it is believed to be in their interests, at least three working days in advance of an Initial Conference, and five working days before a Review Conferences, to enable any factual inaccuracies to be identified, discussed, amended as necessary and areas of disagreement noted. Where necessary, the Reports should be translated into the relevant language or medium. Agencies are responsible for providing redacted reports ie. in the case of a split Conference where information needs to be restricted from a parent/family member due to the risk of reprisals   


Where the agency has information to share but is unable to do so in the presence of a parent or family member, discussion should take place with the Conference Chair prior to the Conference regarding how this should be managed within the Conference - see Exclusion of Family Members from a Conference 

Caution should be exercised when sharing information with families in cases of fabricated or induced illness

Information from Children and Families


Children and family members should be helped in advance to consider what they wish to convey to the Conference, how they wish to do so and what help and support they will require e.g. they may choose to communicate in writing, audio, or with the support of an advocate. Families may benefit from advice on the length of their submission, to enable proper consideration within the time constraints of the Conference.

Children and family member’s submissions will be attached to, or incorporated in, the Conference Record at the discretion of the Chair.

This page is correct as printed on Friday 14th of March 2025 01:27:29 PM please refer back to this website (http://sussexchildprotection.procedures.org.uk) for updates.