15.20 Pre-birth planning for care leavers

Please also see - Pre-birth Planning Processes for Care Leavers

This video has been developed with the help of two care leavers from Sussex, to raise awareness of the new processes and why they were introduced. The video is aimed at maternity services but the processes themselves are aimed at all professionals working with pregnant women and their families




This protocol applies to all professionals working with Care Leavers who are expectant parents. This includes partners of the expectant person, even if they are no longer in a relationship.


This protocol does not replace current procedures and processes in relation to unborn children however, it provides a variation in respect to the possible need for early intervention for care leavers with whom we have Corporate Parenting responsibility for, and soon to be Corporate Grandparents.


Care Leavers often do not have extensive support from family and friends and whilst many go on to parent children without intervention from social care, others may need extra support or experience difficulties. Given their care leaving status, young people who have lived through the care system can be particularly fearful of any assessment process therefore across Sussex we want to offer joined-up solutions with our professional partners to better assist this process.


When a care leaver announces they are expecting a baby, either as the expectant pregnant person or their partner, the lead agency involved will take the time to identify need, and any potential concern, to consider the need for a Pre-Birth Assessment for the Unborn child, alongside a support plan of their own.


There is considerable consensus among practitioners the early stage of pregnancy is a celebratory time, attention to the language used, transparency, measured and change-orientated action, alongside continued exploration to our young people’s own histories and how this may impact on their ability and willingness to engage with services, constitute best practice.



The principles that underpin this protocol:

  • To eliminate any form of discrimination experienced by our care leavers who are about to become parents 
  •  To ensure care leavers are appropriately supported throughout the pregnancy and into parenthood
  •  Facilitate a joined-up decision making process that involves the lead agency known to the young person
  •  To consider how, from a multi-agency perspective, time and space is given to explore ways to overcome barriers and maximise the opportunity for care leavers to build meaningful and proactive relationships with all partner agencies
  • To set standards of good practice

Process for Care Leavers


Young people aged 18-25 open to the Leaving Care Team. This applies to either parent of the unborn child, not just the expectant pregant person.

Young People 18-25 OPEN to Leaving Care Team


Young people aged 21+ and closed to the Leaving Care Team. This applies to either parent of the unborn child, not just the expectant pregnant person.

 Young People 21+ CLOSED to Leaving Care Team


If the threshold for social care intervention has been agreed for the unborn baby, they will be opened to Social Care to allow for a pre-birth assessment take place. 

Package of support available to all expectant parents within Brighton and Hove


Baby Box Project

 Box of items up to the value of £50 for new-born baby including nappies, first aid kit, blankets, toiletries etc.  One off grant of £200 to purchase item/s of choice for new-born baby

Parent and Baby Group

Weekly group available for all care leavers and their children up to school age, held at Tarner Children Centre.  Tea, coffee and snacks available plus access to indoor and outdoor activities

Bright PiP

Offer of 1:1 support from psychologist to support care leavers becoming and being parents with children up to age of 3

Psychologist from the charity attends our Parent and Baby group every 3 weeks to meet parents in group setting

We are currently developing workshops both in person and online to reach a wider audience

Safer Sleeping


Importance of Safer Sleep Conversations

It is crucial for social workers and practitioners to engage in meaningful conversations with parents and carers of babies and very young children about safer sleep practices. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), though rare, can often be prevented through informed and proactive measures. Educating parents and carers on how to reduce the risk of SIDS is a vital aspect of safeguarding infants. 

 Safer Sleeping - 9 minute briefing v2.pdf

SUDI STOP information - Pan-Sussex.pdf



Reducing the Risk of SIDS

To reduce the risk of SIDS, practitioners should convey the following key recommendations from The Lullaby Trust:

  • Always place babies on their backs to sleep, both during day and night.
  • Ensure the baby's head is uncovered while sleeping.
  • Use a firm, flat, and waterproof mattress in good condition.
  • Keep the baby in a smoke-free environment before and after birth.
  • Place the baby to sleep in a separate cot or Moses basket in the same room as the parents for the first six months.
  • Avoid co-sleeping with the baby, particularly on sofas or armchairs, and especially if the parent or carer has consumed alcohol, drugs, or is extremely tired.
  • Do not let the baby get too hot; keep the room at a comfortable temperature (16-20°C is ideal) and use lightweight blankets.

The Lullaby Trust provides comprehensive guidelines and advice that can help in disseminating this critical information effectively. How to reduce the risk of SIDS for your baby - The Lullaby Trust.


Addressing Unplanned Sleeping Arrangements and Bed Poverty

Practitioners must be particularly vigilant in situations where there are unplanned sleeping arrangements or bed poverty. These conditions increase the risk of unsafe sleeping practices. It is essential to provide parents and carers with practical solutions and resources to create safe sleeping environments, regardless of their circumstances. This may involve:

  • Providing or facilitating access to appropriate sleeping equipment, such as cots or Moses baskets.
  • Offering guidance on setting up safe sleep spaces within the home.
  • Connecting families with local services and charities that can assist with bedding and furniture needs.

Integration into Child in Need and Child Protection Plans

Ensuring safer sleep practices should be a standard component of all Child in Need and Child Protection Plans for babies.

This page is correct as printed on Friday 7th of February 2025 11:25:24 PM please refer back to this website (http://sussexchildprotection.procedures.org.uk) for updates.