1.11 Complaints Procedure




This procedure covers situations where a professional or member of the public wishes to raise a complaint in relation to the way the pan Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnerships (SCPs) have carried out their functions as set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 (WT23).


Having different perspectives within safeguarding practice is a sign of a healthy and wellfunctioning partnership. Effective working together depends on an open approach and honest relationships.



Individual complaints and concerns about individual services do not fall within the scope of this procedure and should be dealt with directly by the responsible agency according to their own corporate complaint procedures. Public bodies that fail to comply with their obligations under law are held to account through a variety of regulatory and inspection activity for example, Ofsted in the case of schools.


Where a parent/carer or young person wishes to complain about aspects of a child protection conference, including the outcome, the local authority Complaints by Service Users procedure should be followed. However minor issues about a conference, including accuracy of the minutes, should be taken up directly with the Conference Chair


The Pan Sussex Policies & Procedures escalation procedure should be referred to in respect of professional concerns or complaints in relation to individual cases: Resolving Professional Differences


Complaints about the functioning of the Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnerships in the discharge of their duties falls within the scope of this procedure. This procedure covers the three Sussex partnerships; East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership (ESSCP), West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSSCP) and Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership (BHSCP).


If the concerns about fall within the scope of managing allegations procedures then the following procedure must be followed: Allegations against people who work with, care for or volunteer with children 


Complaints about the functioning of the Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnerships

Any complaint or concern about the general discharge of the Sussex SCP functions, including any concerns about subgroup chairing arrangements, should be addressed to the Delegated Safeguarding Partner identified as Partnership Chair of the local SCP in writing.


The Chair, supported by the local Partnership Business Manager, will seek to resolve the matter with the complainant within 20 working days of the complaint being received. Although for complex matters this timescale may be extended and the complainant given an expected timescale for a response and the reason for the expected delay. A small panel meeting to support resolution may be convened if deemed necessary and appropriate.


The Partnership Chair can be contacted at:

Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership

Deb Austin Deb.Austin@brighton-hove.gov.uk

East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership

Richard McDonagh Richard.Mcdonagh@sussex.police.uk

West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership 

Naomi Ellis naomi.ellis1@nhs.net



Where the individual who has raised concern is not satisfied with the response, they may appeal the decision or outcome and request that his/her complaint is reviewed by one of the Lead Safeguarding Partners. (This should be investigated by one of the three partners with least connection to topic of complaint).

The Lead Safeguarding Partners can be contacted via the local Partnership Business Manager






The relevant Partnership Business Manager will inform the complainant about the outcome of his/her appeal, on behalf of the Safeguarding Children Partnership within 4 weeks.


Complaints/Concerns about the Partnership Chair

Should the complaint/concern be regarding the Partnership Chair in respect of their effectiveness, independence or conduct, the complaint/concern should be made in writing to the relevant Partnership Business Manager who will liaise with appropriate Delegated Safeguarding Partners and/or the Lead Safeguarding Partners


The Designated Safeguarding Partners and/or Lead Safeguarding Partners will appoint a suitable person to investigate the complaint/ concerns, and the outcome will be reported to the complainant within 20 working days of the complaint being received. Although for V2 For review – January 2026 3 complex matters this timescale may be extended and the complainant given an expected timescale for a response and the reason for the expected delay. A small panel meeting to support resolution may be convened if deemed necessary and appropriate


Complaints/ Concerns about a Lay Member

Any complaint or concern about the conduct of a lay member should be addressed to the Partnership Chair in writing


The Partnership Chair, supported by the Partnership Business Manager, will seek to resolve the matter with the complainant within 20 working days of the complaint being received. Although for complex matters this timescale may be extended and the complainant given an expected timescale for a response and the reason for the expected delay. A small panel meeting to support resolution may be convened if deemed necessary and appropriate.


Where the individual who has raised concern is not satisfied with the response, they may appeal the decision or outcome and request that his/her complaint is reviewed by one of the Lead Safeguarding Partners. (This should be investigated by one of the three partners with least connection to topic of complaint)


The Partnership Business Manager will inform the complainant about the outcome of their appeal, on behalf of the Board within 4 weeks.


Complaints/Concerns about a member of the Sussex SCP business teams 

Should the complaint/concern be regarding a member of the SCP Business Team in respect of their effectiveness or conduct, the complaint/concern should be made in writing to the relevant Head of Safeguarding, Children’s Social Care, who will arrange for an examination of the complaint. The outcome will be reported to the complainant within 20 working days of the complaint being received. Although for complex matters this timescale may be extended and the complainant given an expected timescale for a response and the reason for the expected delay. A small panel meeting to support resolution may be convened if deemed necessary and appropriate.

Head of Safeguarding for Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership – Justin Grantham - justin.grantham@brighton-hove.gov.uk

Head of Safeguarding for East Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership – Douglas Sinclair - douglas.sinclair@eastsussex.gov.uk

Head of Safeguarding for West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership – Laura Mallinson - laura.mallinson@westsussex.gov.u



Complaints/ Concerns about local child safeguarding practice reviews 

Any complaint about the operation of the local child safeguarding practice reviews process should be addressed to the Chair of the Case Review Group in writing, who can be contacted at: bhscp@brighton-hove.gov.uk, esscp.Contact@eastsussex.gov.uk, wsscp@westsussex.gov.uk


The Chair of the Case Review Group will inform the Partnership Chair about the complaint and will seek to resolve the complaint with the person raising the concern (or will arrange for the most appropriate person to respond).


The complainant will be responded to within 6 working weeks of receipt of the complaint. A small panel meeting to support resolution may be convened if deemed necessary and appropriate.


Where the individual who has raised concern is not satisfied with the response, they may appeal the decision or outcome and request that his/her complaint is reviewed directly by the Delegated Safeguarding Partners


The Partnership Business Manager will inform the complainant about the outcome of their appeal, on behalf of the Case Review Subcommittee within 4 working weeks

This page is correct as printed on Thursday 13th of March 2025 08:06:12 PM please refer back to this website (http://sussexchildprotection.procedures.org.uk) for updates.