4.3 Early Help / Family Help Plan/ Strengthening Families Assessments

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Last reviewed in July 2024

See also - Healthy child programme schedule of interventions - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)- The healthy child programme schedule of interventions tool brings together evidence, guidance, information and resources to describe local prevention and early intervention activities from preconception to 19 years of age, or 25 where there is a statutory entitlement.


Early Help (Family Help)/ Strengthening Families


The Early Help Plan is a nationally standardised approach to use with a family to discuss and record their views, needs, strengths and identified goals in one plan of support. The Early Help Plan is a coordinated response to supporting children and families with multiple and complex needs.


If a child is at risk of significant harm, a Child In Need or Child Protection plan will be in place. In these circumstances the procedures set out in Section 3, Recognition and Referral of Abuse and Neglect must be followed.


Use of the Early Help Plan should not delay a referral to Children's Social Care if there are concerns that a child has suffered or is likely to suffer Significant Harm. If an Early Help Plan has already been completed, or is in progress, when the concerns are recognised, information gathered in the plan can be used to inform and contribute to the assessment process of Children’s Social Care.


In cases where agreement to  early help support cannot be obtained, practitioners should consider how the needs of the child might be met.  However, practitioners should still inform individuals that their data will be recorded and shared and the purpose explained to them.


For the local Early Help Plan procedures for each area, please go to:


Supporting Families: Early Help System guide


This guidance is for local partnerships building and delivering the local early help system of support for families.

Early Help System Guide (publishing.service.gov.uk)

This page is correct as printed on Friday 18th of October 2024 06:39:01 AM please refer back to this website (http://sussexchildprotection.procedures.org.uk) for updates.