7.8 Quorate Conferences

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This policy was last reviewed in September 2022

Next review September 2025


The primary principle for determining quoracy is that there should be sufficient agencies or key disciplines present to enable safe decisions to be made in the individual circumstances. Minimum representation is Children's Social Care and at least two other agencies or key disciplines that have had direct contact with the child and family. In a case relating to fabricated or induced illness, it is important to ensure the paediatrician is able to attend.


Where a Conference is inquorate it should not ordinarily proceed, and the Chair must ensure that either:

  • An interim protection plan is produced; or
  • The existing plan is reviewed with the professionals and family members that do attend, so as to safeguard the welfare of the child(ren)
  • And consideration is given to the likelihood of repeat inquoracy if the Conference is adjourned.

Another Conference date, usually within a month, must be set immediately (within 10 working days for ICPC).


In the following circumstances the Chair may decide to proceed with the conference despite lack of agency representation. This would be relevant where:

  • Children's Social Care and one other agency are represented;
  • A child does not have relevant contact with 3 agencies;
  • There are local difficulties concerning agency attendance (this must also be reported to the senior child protection manager / Head of Service and the safeguarding partners via the Safeguarding Children Partnership);
  • Where sufficient information is available; and
  • A delay will be detrimental to the child.

If a conference proceeds in line with any of the circumstances set out under 7.7.4 then consideration should be given to an early Review Conference.  

This page is correct as printed on Saturday 15th of March 2025 12:21:47 AM please refer back to this website (http://sussexchildprotection.procedures.org.uk) for updates.