7.7 Membership of Child Protection Conference

Last reviewed in July 2022

Date of next review July 205


General Attendance


Conferences participants should be there because they may have a significant contribution to make, arising from professional expertise, knowledge of the child or family or both.



Attendees should include the Chair and Core Group members.



All agencies, including the relevant health professionals, e.g Paediatricians* and GPs, must provide a written report for the meeting that has been shared with the family*,  regardless of whether they attend or not.

Police will not generally share reports prior to the meeting. It the Police are not in attendance the report should be read out and summarised in the record.

* If the paediatrician is unable to attend the conference it is important that their report is written in a way that is understandable to non-medical professionals and the family, if appropriate.

 ** In cases of FII and perplexing presentations there should be careful consideration and joint decision when and by whom reports will be shared with parents/carers. This should be decided in prior strategy discussions. Reports and concerns about FII should not be shared with parents/carers for the first time at Conference (please refer to Fabricated or induced illness (FII) and Perplexing Presentations (including FII by carers)).


All professionals with a need to know or who have a contribution to the task involved should be invited. This should extend to professionals involved with the parents, partners or other family members, including, but not limited to; GP,  family support services, adult mental health services, probation, drug and alcohol services.


Probation must also always be asked to provide written information to the meeting detailing whether they are currently or have been involved with any member of the family and the reasons for involvement.

Legal Attendance at Conferences


The Law Society provides professional guidance on attendance by lawyers at Child Protection Conferences. Their role is as a supporter or representative for the child, parents or on behalf of the local authority, but the process is not a court or tribunal and the adversarial role is not appropriate.


The local authority solicitor is both a legal adviser to the chair and to the local authority, although will not normally provide this advice during the conference. They may not question parents directly and in exceptional circumstances may have to withdraw if there are any indications that admissions are to be made by parents.


The solicitor for a parent or child may attend in the role of representative of child or supporter of parent to assist their clients to participate and, with the chair's permission to speak on their behalf.

This page is correct as printed on Saturday 15th of March 2025 04:01:34 AM please refer back to this website (http://sussexchildprotection.procedures.org.uk) for updates.